Category Archives: Leadership & Management

Gravitas Is a Quality You Can Develop
Having gravitas at work means you are taken seriously, your contributions are considered important, and you are trusted and respected. “Rebecca, I need more gravitas,” Andreas said to me at the start of our first coaching session, “but I want to be myself. I don’t want to pretend to be someone else.” As an organizational […]

7 Strategies for Better Group Decision-Making
Are more minds are better than one, right? Not necessarily. When you have a tough business problem to solve, you likely bring it to a group. After all, more minds are better than one, right? Not necessarily. Larger pools of knowledge are by no means a guarantee of better outcomes. Because of an over-reliance on […]

How HR is reimagining the office of the future
Improved air systems and touchless elevators are among the plans. HR executives are getting used to strategizing on the fly—and that includes when it comes to envisioning the office of the future. With America’s continued high rate of coronavirus infections, as well as the inevitable long wait for a vaccine, a large-scale return to the […]

I’m Over the Obviously Fake Glassdoor Reviews
HR Games the System. It was weird seeing it as an actual email. It came after a huge company party, with free food, music, giveaways. The headline read, “We want to hear from you!” It was from HR. The email went into this whole spiel about how the company’s goal was to become a Best […]

Google and Facebook Look to July 2021 for an Office Return. Can You Do the Same?
Plans to resume business as usual by next July might be unrealistic. But you can learn from how the big companies are planning for it. This summer, as many office buildings remained nearly empty and CEOs grappled with the question of bringing back remote workers to shared spaces, an unofficial “reopening” date emerged among companies […]

How To Stop Second-Guessing Your Biggest Decisions
One thing to keep in mind: The decision is the start of a process, not the end of one. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make the “right” decision. People agonize over whether to take a particular job, because they are concerned they may not love the work. They spend a lot […]

How To Identify The Most Important Tasks
As leaders, we are faced with many tasks to complete. If we don’t choose carefully, we will often work on the wrong tasks rather than the right ones. As leaders, we are faced with many tasks to complete. If we don’t choose carefully, we will often work on the wrong tasks rather than the right […]

Handing Off Your Business? 14 Strategies For Success
Every business owner eventually has to step aside to make room for his or her successor. Handing over the reins is more than just a formality, however—several important steps must be taken first. Without proper consideration and a clear transfer plan, the successor won’t have the necessary tools and information at their disposal to run […]

How To Wisely Wield The Power Of Leadership
We influence, positively and negatively, in every action, reaction, and interaction. Getting excited about a topic, feeling frustrated about avoidable rework, or digging into a problem to root out solutions… each moment is one to be mindful of how we are perceived.. Why is that? Because even if we “just want to help” or are […]

The New Role Of Trust In Business In A Pandemic
Leaders who aren’t trusted – or who don’t trust others – can communicate all they want, but people will discount everything they say. A powerful effect of the coronavirus pandemic has been to expose the gap between what company leaders say and what they mean. When a company demands that its workers produce a sick […]