Monthly Archives: July 2020

What Brands Mean by Brand Purpose
The combination of the pandemic and social unrest has spurred brands and organizations to think anew about what they truly stand for. The idea of “brand purpose” seemed to be on a fairly steady, if uneven, track “BC” (Before Coronavirus), as brands and organizations devoted more and more time and thought to what they stand […]

6 Brands Targeting Female Audiences on Digital
The numbers are staggering. Though women make up only 51% of the population, they make 90% of household purchase decisions. Not only is this a massive amount of buying power held by only one gender, women are also more engaged with advertising overall than men are: gender-neutral ads perform 35% better with women than with […]

How the Third Party Cookie Crumbles
When Google announced on January 14th that they were ending support for third party cookies it shook the digital ad world. The feedback was swift and pointed about how this change would put a nail into the proverbial coffin of programmatic advertising and targeting efforts – seemingly to Google’s advantage. The rationale behind removing this […]