Monthly Archives: September 2019

What do influencers want in brand relationships?
Any successful relationship is built on clear communication. It’s true in marriages. And it’s equally true in the relationship between brands and influencers. In a study published by my firm, The Abbi Agency, our research finds that social media influencers commonly cite weak communication with brands as their biggest headache — and a reason that […]

What to Do When You’re Losing Your Audience During a Presentation (HBR)
You can tell when an audience has stopped listening to you during a presentation. Phones come out, and attendees surreptitiously text underneath the table. Instead of leaning forward and nodding along with your points, they begin slouching or tapping their feet. The more brazen may even start whispering to one another. As a speaker, it’s […]

See you soon, Malaysia
Another week, and another couple of flights. This time, visiting Kuala Lumpur to present the welcome keynote for our Digital Mum Insights Reveal, and to officially launch theAsianparent Malaysia app (download it here!) I always enjoy the opportunity to be on stage and share the fruits of our hard work and the latest exciting updates […]

The marketer of the future must avoid analytics paralysis
The analytics era seems to finally have arrived in marketing. The question is, “Are marketers actually ready?” For example, three-quarters of brands say they are spending more on marketing technology this year, with 24% claiming to be spending significantly more, according to a recent Forrester report. It looks like marketers are finally taking this seriously. […]

The many challenges marketers face in an increasingly privacy conscious world
Data privacy is one of the most vexing issues for marketers in 2019. For many it is likely to have far-reaching consequences; that is, it will remove hitherto trusted sources of information and drivers of key insights. That’s because ongoing privacy crackdowns are shifting the ground beneath our feet and rapidly changing the game. Here’s […]

How digital behaviours relate to brand equity
Recently a client asked how various digital behaviours impact brand equity. Answering this question is challenging; not just because of the widely varying forms of digital behaviour, but because that behaviour can both influence equity and be influenced by it. Let us consider how behaviour and equity are related across a few different interactions, starting […]

With “Retargeted” Advertising, Sooner Is Better Than Later (Standford Business)
You know those ads that follow you around online? New research shows that they work, especially when deployed early. At this point, no online shoppers should be surprised if they go sniffing around the internet for, say, a new handbag and find themselves, in the days and weeks following, besieged by handbag ads wherever they […]

Google’s glimpse of a world without ad-tech (TheDrum)
The global programmatic industry is now worth $18.4bn and although it has matured dramatically over the last five years, it is still grappling with issues around inventory quality, transparency and the use of personal data. It’s now also facing another serious challenge. The infrastructure that powers the ecosystem – the third-party cookie – is dying. […]

Artificial Intelligence for the Perplexed Executive (Stanford Business)
AI can transform almost every industry. The biggest uncertainty may be the humans behind it. So you’re the CEO of a clothing retailer, a rental car agency, or a payroll processing company, and you hear that artificial intelligence is changing the world. What are you supposed to do? The short answer, says Paul Oyer at […]

Synchron kicks off clinical trial for brain-machine interface – without drilling skulls (FierceBiotech)
It was 2012, and research into brain-machine interfaces was stuck. The technology, which links brain waves to devices such as computers or robotic arms, promised to open the world back up for paralyzed people—but it was held up by a fundamental issue. The surgery to implant a sensor involved drilling into people’s skulls. Several companies […]